
CoreMedia Blog

AI changing DX

How AI is changing the digital experience

Last week, we made four predictions for the future of software in 2023. Today, we’ll take a closer look at our first prediction – increased artificial intelligence (AI) automation. Emerging generative AI services will certainly dominate the landscape of digital experience throughout 2023 and beyond. With AI being used to develop better, more personalized recommendations and to automate simple tasks, the possibilities for a new standard in customer experience are endless. 

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz


4 Predictions for the future of software in 2023

As technology continues to evolve, so too does software. From cloud computing to AI-driven automation, new technologies are revolutionizing the way businesses operate. Today, we’ll take a look at four predictions for the future of software in 2023 and explore how they could potentially change the way we do business in the year ahead and beyond. 

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz

Why sustainable software matters more than you realize-6

How to sustainably optimize your company's tech stack

With so many companies looking to reduce their environmental impact through sustainable practices, it is important to understand how to optimize your company’s tech stack for sustainability. In this blog post, we will discuss the best ways to ensure that your company’s tech stack is as sustainable as possible, from making more efficient use of existing technologies and resources to using green and renewable energy sources.

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz

Maximize Sustainability Goals

How to maximize your sustainability goals in 2023

2022 has been quite a volatile year, especially from a sustainability perspective. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and subsequent Western sanctions, put new pressures on already strained oil and gas supplies, with major world economies scrambling to respond. Rapidly rising energy prices, amongst various other pressures on the grid, have showed us just how desperately we need more affordable and sustainable sources of energy.

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz

Why sustainable software matters more than you realize

Why sustainable software matters more than you realize

There’s no doubt about it – “sustainability” is the topic on everyone’s minds right now. It’s hard to define, but it’s also more than just a buzzword. Sustainability generally speaks to the idea that goods and services should be manufactured and utilized in ways that do not use irreplaceable natural resources and avoid causing damage to the environment.

It’s undeniable that sustainability is important. In fact, 90% of executives believe exactly this. The implementation of sustainable strategies, however, is still a challenge. Only 60% of organizations have an articulated strategy in place.

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz

DXP Infographic

What a better CMS can do for your business

Are you hoping to see better returns from your digital investment? To do that, let’s consider the biggest challenges facing companies, in order to find out how the right CMS can enable you to create seamless online customer experiences.

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz

DevCon 2022 Opening Remarks

DX Innovation at DevCon 2022

We had a blast sharing our DX insights at our annual Developer Conference last week – after all, problem-solving is at the heart of what we do here at CoreMedia. We really enjoyed taking this opportunity to put our thinking caps on, dive deeper into our projects, and explore all things related to effective digital experience implementation.

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz


CoreMedia Connect and Partner Engage were so insightful!

Last month, for the first time in two years, we finally got to meet in-person to talk about the latest trends in digital experience and content management. It was so much fun and it was all thanks to you!

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz


CoreMedia Europe moves into the Klöpperhaus: Hello hybrid work!

There could hardly have been a better way to summarize how CoreMedia envisions the future of coworking in the headoffice than here in the German real estate DEAL Magazine: "Together, they developed a concept to significantly reduce the previous office space of approximately 2,400 m² in the future and to adapt it to the current needs of modern working environments of the software development company. In the future, the combination of coworking and the company's own office space will ensure that each of the employees has a place in the office, provided they choose not to work in a home office."

white female susanne thielecke

Susanne Thielecke

Online Order System Diagram

The Crucial Checklist for Optimizing Your eCommerce Tech Stack Build

Many organizations today have eCommerce stores, so much so, that competition for customer’s business has never been more intense. There are potentially thousands of other stores offering the same goods and services that you provide.

In fact, total global eCommerce sales amounted to more than $4.2 trillion in 2020. That’s estimated to rise to over $5 trillion in 2022. Online stores are sprouting up all over the place, and they aren’t about to disappear.

The takeaway? Online shopping is a big deal, and it’s only becoming bigger every year.

Samantha Clayton profile picture

Samanta Clayton

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Explore and learn with our resources
Smart Content Management Dynamic Content
Smart content management

Surprise and delight customers with iconic content everywhere, all the time.

  • Preview in-context before publishing
  • Unlock the power of your teams with workflow and scheduling
  • Keep it compliant with built-in DAM
Personalized Experiences
Personalized experiences

Nurture customers with personalized experiences at every opportunity.

  • Omnichannel customer targeting
  • Link customer data platforms to leverage audience insight
  • Integrate artificial intelligence driven hyper-personalization
Real-time Conversations Omnichannel
Real-time conversations

Convert visitors into buyers with conversational experiences, contextual content and a human touch.

  • Guide customers through their buying journey using video shopping, chatbot, live chat and more 
  • Manage all calls and gain insights into interactions from web to contact center
  • Prioritize contacts and let high-value users talk to real people, to maximize ROI
Inspirational Commerce Guided Selling
Inspirational commerce

Grow your business by connecting the buying journey and converting sales.

  • Built-in connectors for Salesforce, SAP, HCL, Elastic Path, Spryker and more
  • Integrate live product feeds at a global scale
  • Turn rich media into one click shoppable content 