
Next Best Recommendations (NBO & NBA)

Crafting highly personalized experiences through the power of predictive intelligence.

With Next Best Recommendations (NBO & NBA), you’ll revolutionize the way your business engages with customers. Powered by centralized customer data, it analyzes customer behavior and preferences to deliver personalized recommendations at scale. Say goodbye to generic interactions and hello to tailored recommendations that anticipate needs, delight users, and drive conversions.

Inspirational Commerce Live Chat

Supercharge Customer Engagement

NBO & NBA isn't just about making recommendations. It's about crafting seamless journeys for each individual. By harnessing the power of predictive intelligence, we enable you to engage customers at the right moment, with the right content, on the right channel.

What is Next Best Offer (NBO)?

Next Best Offer (NBO) is a data-driven marketing strategy that relies on predictive analysis. This model anticipates customers’ needs and interests by analyzing their behavior, preferences, and past interactions. By leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, NBO enables businesses to deliver highly personalized offers tailored to each individual customer. Whether it's recommending a complementary product, a special promotion, or an upgrade, NBO optimizes customer engagement and drives conversions by presenting the most compelling offer at the right moment.

What is Next Best Action (NBA)?

Next Best Action (NBA) is a strategic approach that goes beyond simple offer recommendations to include a broader range of customer interactions and touchpoints. NBA takes into account not only the best offer to present to a customer but also the most appropriate action to take in any given situation to enhance the overall customer experience and drive desired outcomes. This can include actions such as providing proactive customer service, offering personalized content or guiding customers through a specific process. By leveraging real-time data and predictive analytics, NBA enables businesses to engage with customers in a more proactive and meaningful way, leading to greater satisfaction, loyalty and results.

Benefits of CoreMedia’s Next Best Offer (NBO & NBA)

Next Best Offer (NBO & NBA) utilizes advanced algorithms and machine learning to analyze vast amounts of data in real-time. From browsing history to purchase behavior, it transforms raw data into actionable recommendations, driving meaningful connections with your audience.

With Next Best Offer (NBO & NBA), you can deliver hyper-personalized recommendations that resonate with each customer's preferences and interests. By tailoring offers and content, you'll see increased engagement, loyalty, and ultimately, revenue.

Integration shouldn't be a hassle. That's why Next Best Offer (NBO & NBA) integrates information from third-party tools, such as CRM and e-commerce solutions like Salesforce and many others.

By leveraging advanced technology and innovation, like Next Best Offer (NBO & NBA), you'll always be one step ahead, delivering next-level experiences that set you apart from the competition.

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Explore and learn with our resources
Smart Content Management Dynamic Content
Smart content management

Surprise and delight customers with iconic content everywhere, all the time.

  • Preview in-context before publishing
  • Unlock the power of your teams with workflow and scheduling
  • Keep it compliant with built-in DAM
Personalized Experiences
Personalized experiences

Nurture customers with personalized experiences at every opportunity.

  • Omnichannel customer targeting
  • Link customer data platforms to leverage audience insight
  • Integrate artificial intelligence driven hyper-personalization
Real-time Conversations Omnichannel
Real-time conversations

Convert visitors into buyers with conversational experiences, contextual content and a human touch.

  • Guide customers through their buying journey using video shopping, chatbot, live chat and more 
  • Manage all calls and gain insights into interactions from web to contact center
  • Prioritize contacts and let high-value users talk to real people, to maximize ROI
Inspirational Commerce Guided Selling
Inspirational commerce

Grow your business by connecting the buying journey and converting sales.

  • Built-in connectors for Salesforce, SAP, HCL, Elastic Path, Spryker and more
  • Integrate live product feeds at a global scale
  • Turn rich media into one click shoppable content 

Elevate your digital experiences.

Choosing a CMS is a big decision. We’re here to help. Leave your details for a personalized consultation on how CoreMedia can tame the complex and help you realize your digital ambitions.


CoreMedia Experience Platform

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