
Email & SMS Marketing Campaigns

Personalize campaigns beyond names to boost results.

Enhance your customer experience with targeted emails and SMS messages, for impactful omnichannel communication that drives results. Utilize real-time customer data and insights to tailor each message, for maximum relevance and engagement. Easily create and personalize campaigns using ready-to-use templates according to your branding, all within one user-friendly platform.

Personalized Experiences Omnichannel

Connect with your audience through Email & SMS Marketing Campaigns

Take your marketing campaigns to the next level with CoreMedia’s solutions.

What is Email Marketing?

Email Marketing involves sending email campaigns directly to your audience’s inboxes to promote products, services, or content. It has been shown to improve results, such as driving sales, improving traffic to the website or nurturing relationships, especially when taking advantage of real-time personalization tactics. It includes a variety of email formats, such as newsletters, promotional emails, transactional emails, and more.

What is SMS Marketing?

SMS Marketing, also known as text message marketing, refers to sending promotional messages, updates, or alerts to a targeted audience via text messages. These messages are limited to 160 characters and are typically used to promote products, services, events, or other offers. This type of campaign is known for its immediacy, high opening rates, and potential for driving quick responses from customers.

Tips for a successful Email Marketing Campaign

These are key steps to set your Email Marketing Campaigns up for success. Firstly, understand your audience, including their characteristics, interests, and preferences. Segment your lists based on demographics and interests, and personalize content beyond just names, offering tailored language and offers. Moreover, keep layouts simple, avoiding overload with information or images. Include clear call-to-actions to direct your audience effectively. Finally, use attention-grabbing subject lines and utilize automation workflows to save time and minimize errors.

Tips for a successful SMS Marketing Campaign

When it comes to SMS Marketing Campaigns, these are essential best practices to follow. First, obtain explicit consent to send text messages, ensuring clear disclosure and avoiding overuse. Then, ensure that the recipients know your company for context and trust, by clearly identifying your brand on the sender. Try to always use simple language and include clear call-to-actions with relevant links. But make it personal and utilize segmentation and personalization to tailor the messages to the audiences’ preference and characteristics. Lastly, consider timing carefully and choose optimal times for sending messages.

Benefits of combining Email & SMS Marketing Campaigns

Integrating Email and SMS messages in your omnichannel plan broadens your reach to more customers. By utilizing both channels, you can monitor open rates and engagement, enabling you to segment users effectively based on their preferences. This enhances customer satisfaction with your marketing efforts and diminishes the risk of being labeled as spam.

Our marketing automation features empower you to create dynamic Email and SMS workflows based on customer actions or predefined triggers. This streamlines the customer journey and ensures timely, highly relevant messaging to each customer.

Emails are perfect for conveying detailed messages and newsletters, serving as an ideal platform for non-urgent information or content customers may wish to save for future reference (e.g., product or service details). Text messages are effective for delivering concise and time-sensitive information that requires immediate customer interaction (e.g., reminders). By selecting the most suitable medium for each communication, you’ll enhance your customers’ experience.

Monitor the performance of your Email and SMS campaigns by monitoring key metrics such as open rate, click-through rate and conversions. Use this data to measure campaign effectiveness and make data-driven decisions.

Combining SMS and Email Marketing boosts crucial business metrics with robust analytics from both solutions. Both SMS and Email can gather feedback and reviews. SMS excels in interactive communication, while email is ideal to showcase images or videos. Moreover, using both solutions enables leveraging one channel to drive subscribers for the other. For instance, using text messaging to encourage people to become email subscribers and vice versa, with the goal of obtaining more leads or additional contact information.

Stay legally compliant with marketing regulations like GDPR and TCPA to avoid potential legal headaches. Our platform ensures full compliance with EU regulations, handling subscriber consent, opt-outs, and other compliance needs effortlessly.

Role based benefits


What if you could launch campaigns instantly, across 150 countries and 40 different languages?

  • Easily coordinate global campaigns across teams via one central interface
  • Create new media assets without Photoshop skills or an outside agency
  • Use powerful translation workflows to stay on top of localization needs

Director eCommerce

What if you could convert 50% or more of your website visitors into paying, repeat customers?

  • Move into high-velocity marketing to react immediately to trends
  • Orchestrate multi-experiences that merge content and commerce
  • Ensure brand consistency across all touchpoints with less manual work


What if you could reduce your time-to-Web for new content from weeks to hours or even minutes?

  • Launch your new site on CoreMedia Content Cloud in just 8 weeks.
  • Create regionalized campaigns in hours instead of weeks
  • Make and publish changes instantly - no need to wait for overnight replication


What if you could quickly connect your content platform to over 150 of the world's leading third party apps?

  • Connect to all leading eCommerce and Marketing platforms
  • One centralized UI for streamlined collaboration between teams
  • Easily integrate additional third-party apps with our Hubs API

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  • Explore key features relevant to you
  • See how businesses like yours have grown with CoreMedia
  • Guidance on changing platforms like a pro
white male glasses alexander cordesmeyer white female brown hair elena bertaiola
Explore and learn with our resources
Smart Content Management Dynamic Content
Smart content management

Surprise and delight customers with iconic content everywhere, all the time.

  • Preview in-context before publishing
  • Unlock the power of your teams with workflow and scheduling
  • Keep it compliant with built-in DAM
Personalized Experiences
Personalized experiences

Nurture customers with personalized experiences at every opportunity.

  • Omnichannel customer targeting
  • Link customer data platforms to leverage audience insight
  • Integrate artificial intelligence driven hyper-personalization
Real-time Conversations Omnichannel
Real-time conversations

Convert visitors into buyers with conversational experiences, contextual content and a human touch.

  • Guide customers through their buying journey using video shopping, chatbot, live chat and more 
  • Manage all calls and gain insights into interactions from web to contact center
  • Prioritize contacts and let high-value users talk to real people, to maximize ROI
Inspirational Commerce Guided Selling
Inspirational commerce

Grow your business by connecting the buying journey and converting sales.

  • Built-in connectors for Salesforce, SAP, HCL, Elastic Path, Spryker and more
  • Integrate live product feeds at a global scale
  • Turn rich media into one click shoppable content 

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