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Take your marketing to another level
Maximize omnichannel marketing automation.
Omnichannel marketing puts the customer at the heart of the experience. It’s about understanding how customers want to interact with you and responding with digital experiences that deliver this consistently across channels and devices. It’s about removing friction, making it as easy as possible for customers to get what they need. If I browse your content at work on my laptop, continue on the train home via mobile, then pick up with my tablet on the sofa that night, I want each experience to feel seamlessly consistent. If I spend time giving you data, I want to take that with me across devices and channels. I want you to remember what I liked and didn’t like and use this information to deliver content that’s helpful to me personally. I want all of this to work seamlessly wherever I am and however I choose to engage with you. That’s omnichannel marketing.
If you get it right, omnichannel marketing will build loyalty, increase customer engagement, and ultimately improve your ROI. Removing friction for customers is about making it as easy as possible for them to buy and interact with you. Doing this well across all your channels and devices means less chance a customer will go to a competitor. Simple really. The more seamless your experiences across channels and devices, the longer your customers will spend engaging with your brand, and longer engagement times mean more opportunities to convert a sale. Finally, consistency across all your properties is ultimately less resource intensive to manage, especially with the right CMS tools, which means less effort for a higher return. Happy days.
Customers just expect seamless omnichannel experiences. Most people will abandon you and go somewhere else after only 5-6 seconds if the experience is not up to scratch. And as online and offline digital experiences increasingly merge with more digital point of sale and connected devices, customers will expect you to bring these channels into the mix too. You need a single view of the customer that spans every channel and interaction. You need content management and digital experience tools that let you create and manage data driven, personalized customer experiences across all your digital properties. This is what customers expect and if you don’t provide it, they will get it from someone else.
Co-ordinating content across multiple channels, markets and devices is incredibly complicated and time consuming. Accessing customer data and trying to personalize and target adds a further level of complexity you can’t manage without the right tools. To deliver advanced omnichannel marketing you need an advanced digital experience platform. This means tools to analyze customer data and design, create and publish content experiences across all your touchpoints using a single system. It means a single toolkit to integrate customer data, rich media content, product information, commerce, personalization and targeting.
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