
Digital asset management system

Brand consistency across your digital ecosystem. 

When digital media is core to your business, it's critical to have confidence that its securely stored, organized and easily retrievable by every team that needs it. 

CoreMedia’s Digital Asset Management software (DAM) is one of the most valuable tools for your marketing team and is a core component of our Content Cloud CMS. Our DAM makes it easy and quick to search, manage, and publish your media, increasing speed to market and driving better results while easing the burden on your teams.

Smart Content Management Editing

Digital asset management done right

How cloud based DAM does more than just manage your media.

What is a digital asset management system?

A digital asset management system, or DAM, is a central library for all your product and marketing images, videos, and graphics – all tagged and searchable using metadata and keywords. This makes it quick and easy to find and reuse your content and lets teams from across your business self-serve the assets they need.

What are the advantages of digital asset management?

The main benefits of digital asset management are speed and efficiency for your teams. Without it your teams waste huge amounts of time trying to find the assets they need. A good DAM system will also give you the confidence that what you're publishing is the right asset for the job. Customers don’t see what’s going on behind the scenes, but they will see the results with seamless and consistent content experiences across your properties.

Why is digital asset management important?

DAMs are vital for collaboration and sharing across teams, particularly when it comes to ensuring brand consistency. With teams and business units across the world, all creating, editing and signing off on assets, having one central place to store approved content smooths out your workflows and keeps your designs consistent and brand compliant. If you’ve got sensitive material, it’s also a secure place to keep it.

What media can a DAM store?

Any digital media you use for your business can be stored and retrieved using our digital asset management system. Everything from product photos and videos, banners and landing pages, audio clips to your text-based content such as blogs, product descriptions and marketing copy are all compatible with CoreMedia’s cloud-based DAM system.

What does DAM best practice look like?

The way you tag and organize your media within your digital asset management platform really matters. Without a tagging system that makes sense to everyone using the tool, you won’t maximize the power of your DAM. Making sure everyone follows the same process and taxonomy is critical and most organizations have at least one dedicated manager to oversee this process. With years of experience, our people can help support your set-up and define the best tagging and taxonomy system for you.

Key USPs

Consistent brand experiences

Make only the best branded assets available to your teams and uphold your brand guidelines across every customer touchpoint.

Organize and find files quickly

Tailor our intuitive tagging system to make finding what you’re looking for super speedy.

Share assets, save time and money

Shared asset management across departments stops duplicate content being created and managed in silos.

Simplified version control

Reduce risk across your organization by making sure the most up-to-date approved asset are used at all times.

Uphold usage rights

Connect copyright, licensing and usage permissions directly to assets inside your DAM.

Features and benefits of Digital Asset Management

Minor tweaks to photos and media are simple and easy without involving a graphic designer. Access easy to use tools to manage image size and color, and even edit the focal point of an image. Set the size, aspect ratio and file type you need and then export direct from the DAM in exactly the spec you need.

Be sure the assets you download are the right fit for the channels your content will end up in. Select an asset size, resolution and ratio and preview how it will appear, and make tweaks before downloading. No more pixelated photos on your digital billboards or skewed aspect ratios on your social posts. 


You can edit and enhance the metadata associated with your assets over time. Use intuitive identifiers like format, alternative text, descriptive keywords and usage rights. You can even tag and optimize your assets for seo keywords. 

Safeguard your assets and maintain control over who uses them and how they're used. Keep control even after you’ve shared assets by tracking access, sharing rights and setting automatic expiration dates.


Access and permission control

Monitor and manage who has access to your digital content. Assign different levels of access and permission. Protect your brand identity and adhere to copyright. 

Cloud hosted DAM

With your DAM safe and secure in the cloud, you get the peace of mind that you’ll always have access to your assets no matter what. 

Easily integrate with your PIM

Connect product information directly into your DAM with simple integrations with 3rd party PIM systems. 

Fast load times

With a DAM that makes sure the right assets are being used for the right job you’ll get optimal load times for your end customer experiences. 

Automated rights expiration

Automatically review and delete published content when rights expire. Quickly view rights status across your assets. 

Collaborative workflows

Automated content workflows run DAM assets through feedback and approvals.

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  • See how businesses like yours have grown with CoreMedia
  • Guidance on changing platforms like a pro
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Explore and learn with our resources
Smart Content Management Dynamic Content
Smart content management

Surprise and delight customers with iconic content everywhere, all the time.

  • Preview in-context before publishing
  • Unlock the power of your teams with workflow and scheduling
  • Keep it compliant with built-in DAM
Personalized Experiences
Personalized experiences

Nurture customers with personalized experiences at every opportunity.

  • Omnichannel customer targeting
  • Link customer data platforms to leverage audience insight
  • Integrate artificial intelligence driven hyper-personalization
Real-time Conversations Omnichannel
Real-time conversations

Convert visitors into buyers with conversational experiences, contextual content and a human touch.

  • Guide customers through their buying journey using video shopping, chatbot, live chat and more 
  • Manage all calls and gain insights into interactions from web to contact center
  • Prioritize contacts and let high-value users talk to real people, to maximize ROI
Inspirational Commerce Guided Selling
Inspirational commerce

Grow your business by connecting the buying journey and converting sales.

  • Built-in connectors for Salesforce, SAP, HCL, Elastic Path, Spryker and more
  • Integrate live product feeds at a global scale
  • Turn rich media into one click shoppable content 

Elevate your digital experiences.

Choosing a CMS is a big decision. We’re here to help. Leave your details for a personalized consultation on how CoreMedia can tame the complex and help you realize your digital ambitions.


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