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Illustration of CoreMedia's superhero holding a thermometer alongside AI-related imagery

AI Thermometer: A quarterly check-in on generative AI

Welcome to the inaugural edition of our quarterly series, the AI Thermometer, where we take a closer look at the advances in generative AI and its implications for enterprise-level companies, marketing teams, and content creators. In this dynamic era of rapid technological updates, AI has emerged as a game-changer, promising to revolutionize content creation and streamline marketing efforts — but it's not without its faults. How accurate are some of the claims that have been made? Let's take an AI temperature check and delve into the latest developments to see how AI is shaping the future of enterprise-scale content creation. 

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz


CoreMedia Europe moves into the Klöpperhaus: Hello hybrid work!

There could hardly have been a better way to summarize how CoreMedia envisions the future of coworking in the headoffice than here in the German real estate DEAL Magazine: "Together, they developed a concept to significantly reduce the previous office space of approximately 2,400 m² in the future and to adapt it to the current needs of modern working environments of the software development company. In the future, the combination of coworking and the company's own office space will ensure that each of the employees has a place in the office, provided they choose not to work in a home office."

white female susanne thielecke

Susanne Thielecke

The Next New Normal

The Next New Normal

Over the past year, the world threw us a curveball. What we once saw as normal shifted drastically, from social distancing to more and more employers allowing their staff to work from home. When the pandemic first hit last year, we went into a state of shock that resulted in the world basically shutting down. No cars in the streets, everybody was mandated to stay home, and there was talk about sending the National Guard to certain cities.


Rita Das

CoreMedia Customers on the Front Lines

CoreMedia Customers on the Front Lines

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the global business landscape. Virtually overnight, nations around the world have closed shops and restaurants, curtailing every activity not considered “essential.”

And the impact on the world’s economy has been seismic. In the last few weeks alone, with millions of people around the world “sheltering in place,” more than 22 million American workers have filed for unemployment.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Does Digital Transformation Really Happen Faster in the US?

Does Digital Transformation Really Happen Faster in the US?

I recently got back from DMEXCO – Europe's top trade show for digital marketing – where I had the chance to chat with top experts in the field.


Knud Kegel

The King is Dead - Long Live the King

The King is Dead - Long Live the King

"Content is King" is a popular Bill Gates quote from 1996. Recently, I stumbled across an interesting article. It claimed that this quote is outdated and that you can replace content with contact: "Contact is King". The article dealt with the increasing importance of mobile communication and social media. There, the focus was clearly no longer on content.

Sigrid Werner

Sigrid Werner

Why CoreMedia signed the Contract for the Web

Why CoreMedia signed the Contract for the Web

When the man who invented the World Wide Web announces that the Internet is broken, people pay attention. Tim Berners-Lee’s new #ForTheWeb initiative has the potential to transform the way we use the web. And here at CoreMedia, we're excited to help make that happen.


Knud Kegel

10 Elements of Successful IT Projects Title Picture

10 Elements of Successful IT Projects

Why do so many digital projects fail? Surprisingly, the reason often has less to do with inadequate technology or tight budgets, and more with lack of planning, poor communication, or simply having the wrong attitude.
Through my work as an IT consultant, I’ve worked on many digital projects and I’ve identified the top ten factors that help teams achieve project goals on time and on budget.


Timmo Köhler

Timmo Köhler

Learnings from Salesforce Connections 2018

Learnings from Salesforce Connections 2018

For three days the halls were full of happy faces. Around 8.000 customers and partner plus 2.000 Salesforce employees shared many smiles. They might have been inspired by the huge banners featuring smiling client executives from Adidas, Ticketmaster and others everywhere. Anyway, the place was very much alive and full of a winning attitude.

Sören Stamer, CEO

Sören Stamer

CoreMedia Hackathon “The Future of Commerce” – The Origin of a Theme

CoreMedia Hackathon “The Future of Commerce” – The Origin of a Theme

At this year’s NRF Big Show in New York City, I noticed a significant change compared to the year before. The overall mood within the Retail industry felt more upbeat than in 2017. Retail and brand executives seemed committed to embrace change and more determined to play an active role in shaping the future of the industry.

Sören Stamer, CEO

Sören Stamer