
Our Writers

Doug Heise, VP Marketing
Doug Heise
Vice President Marketing

Doug Heise was Vice President Marketing leading CoreMedia’s global marketing efforts up until May 2022, putting a special focus on Strategy, Product Marketing, and Analyst relationships.

Recommended Read #6: B2B eCommerce

Recommended Read #6: B2B eCommerce

As modern consumers, we have long been used to living in a world where online purchases are part of our everyday life. We order everything online – from books and toiletries – to gifts and groceries. As Amazon gobbles up companies like Whole Foods, even traditional brick and mortar stores are experiencing a fundamental sea change that promes to merge physical and digital shopping into a single experience.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Supercharging Salesforce Commerce Cloud - 5 Tips

Supercharging Salesforce Commerce Cloud - 5 Tips

Salesforce Commerce Cloud customers have access to one of the most user-friendly and powerful eCommerce solutions on the market. According to Forrester, Salesforce’s suite of tools provides the “best fit for retailers looking for a strong, highly scalable, cloud-based commerce platform.”We agree. But is it enough on its own?Don’t get us wrong: We love Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Shoptalk 2018: From Retail Apocalypse to Retail Renaissance

A Tale of Two Shows

The annual convention calendar for retailers was once a wild and wooly landscape full of shows both big and small – most with the word “Shop” in their title.

Many of those shows still exist, but few can rival the two leading players: the (awkwardly named) stalwart, the National Retail Federation's (NRF) Big Show, and the hip upstart, Shoptalk.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Recommended Read #3: Going Headless

Recommended Read #3: Going Headless

It's time for another edition of our ongoing series of recommended reads.

Although we love to share our own ideas on the CoreMedia blog, we'd also like this to be a place to post the thoughts and opinions of other industry leaders - including our partners, customers, and analysts. So, in addition to the guest posts that appear here from time to time, we also like to share links to articles on critical topics in the CMS and DX space. And today's topic is: the headless management of content and commerce.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Recommended Read #2: Small is the New Big

Recommended Read #2: Small is the New Big

The modern multichannel shopper has high expectations for online interactions. A sale can be won or lost in a split second, and the landscape is constantly changing. Innovative sellers are recognizing that the slow, monolithic architectures of the past are a poor match for the swiftly evolving world of online commerce.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Recommended Read #8: Chatbots

Recommended Read #8: Chatbots

We’re all spending a lot more time talking online – but an increasing number of those conversations are not with other people. Whether you love them or hate them, bots are clearly the future when it comes to online interactions.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Recommended Read #9: Conversational Commerce

Recommended Read #9: Conversational Commerce

Artificial Intelligence (AI), chatbots, and voice interfaces have moved from the realm of science fiction to become a part of our everyday routine - whether we’re shopping online, getting customer support, or just trying to locate a good cup of coffee in an unfamiliar city.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Recommended Read: Retail Reimagined through AI

Recommended Read: Retail Reimagined through AI

Over the past year, the pace of AI-related innovation has increased significantly. AI-powered “smart assistants” are handling product recommendations in online stores, helping practitioners with repetitive tasks, and autonomously creating personalized experiences. Behind the scenes, AI technologies have become essential in the monitoring of data centers and in the prevention of increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

The Reinvention of SAP

The Reinvention of SAP

One of the world’s most important tech brands, SAP, is in the midst of transforming its image from “backend workhorse” to “next generation customer experience innovator.” And it’s making progress. But can it fully shed its legacy reputation?

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Model Fashion

The Secrets of IBM/HCL Fashion Customers

CoreMedia’s roots in the IBM WebSphere Commerce ecosystem are deep and well established. We first partnered with IBM and WebSphere Commerce (WCS) back in 2013. Our integration with the IBM WebSphere Commerce (now HCL Commerce v9) software platform launched the same year. We love the company and its platform!

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

CoreMedia Customers on the Front Lines

CoreMedia Customers on the Front Lines

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the global business landscape. Virtually overnight, nations around the world have closed shops and restaurants, curtailing every activity not considered “essential.”

And the impact on the world’s economy has been seismic. In the last few weeks alone, with millions of people around the world “sheltering in place,” more than 22 million American workers have filed for unemployment.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Solving the CaaS Dilemma

Solving the CaaS Dilemma

Global brands and eCommerce companies today are finding themselves overwhelmed by the explosion of new channels, apps, and devices. So-called “headless” approaches to content management – sometimes referred to as Content-as-a-Service (CaaS) – are increasingly being pitched as a cure-all. But as more companies pursue this approach, its limitations are becoming apparent.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Piece Puzzle

The Missing Piece: A New Vision for Digital Experience Platforms

It’s all about the experienceMost savvy brands and retailers recognize that great content is at the core of every great online experience. That’s true today and it will remain true in the future. But building and delivering consistent, compelling experiences to consumers across multiple channels and devices is more complicated than ever.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Gartner DXP Magic Quadrant Picture 1

CoreMedia debuts in brand-new Gartner DXP Magic Quadrant

It’s not often that the technology research firm, Gartner Inc., produces a brand-new Magic Quadrant report. But to recognize the growing demand for integrated digital experience platforms (DXPs) the firm has just done exactly that. And CoreMedia’s in it.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Door Push or Pull

Dynamic or Static? A Data Integration Dilemma

We’ve been hearing a lot of debate recently about the best way to integrate content from a CMS system into a customer-facing eCommerce system - and vice versa.Is it better to base your solution on a “dynamic” integration, where content is transferred in real-time from the source system to the head system at the exact moment it’s requested by the end user? Or is it smarter to start with a “static” integration, where all necessary content is pre-loaded from the source system to the head system on a regular schedule?

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Whats new

What's New in CoreMedia Content Cloud, v10.2101.1

We think that CoreMedia Content Cloud is the best, most flexible, CMS and DXP on the market. But that doesn't mean that we're content to rest on our laurels. We're continually enhancing and extending our software with new features, bug fixes, partner solutions, and world-class integrations.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

A Holiday Peek at CoreMedia Content Cloud v11.2110.1

A Holiday Peek at CoreMedia Content Cloud v11.2110.1

As we approach the end the year and the holiday season, everyone here at CoreMedia is excited about our new gift - the first release of CoreMedia ContentCloud version 11. The first distribution this new release (v11.2110.1) will be out any day now and we can't wait to tell you about all of the great new features and enhancements. 

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

What's New in CoreMedia Content Cloud, v10.2107.1

What's New in CoreMedia Content Cloud, v10.2107.1

It's that time again. As you know, CoreMedia is committed to the principle of continuous innovation. CoreMedia Content Cloud is enhanced by a series of Agile Enhancement Packs (AEP), which provide additional functionality to the major product release.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Whats new in Coremedia

What's New in CoreMedia Content Cloud, v10.2104.1

At CoreMedia, we know that our customers can’t stand still in the face of constantly shifting requirements and increasing competitive challenges. Brands are under constant pressure to improve their operational efficiency and deliver increasingly innovative customer experiences. With that in mind, we are committed to delivering regular feature updates to help you stay ahead of the market.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Spend Smart to Avoid the Replatforming Trap

Spend Smart to Avoid the Replatforming Trap

This is a time of unprecedented change and uncertainty. But that doesn’t mean you need to stop innovating. The key is to avoid the expensive trap of replatforming and focus on smart spend strategies for innovation instead.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Gartner L2 Panel: Learning from the Leaders of Fashion

Gartner L2 Panel: Learning from the Leaders of Fashion

Tuesday mornings are usually not the most exciting day of the week. Most mornings you can find me sipping my coffee, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, and gearing myself up to tackle the tasks of the day. But not this Tuesday.

This week, the team from CoreMedia – along with our partners at Astound Commerce and Fluid – was in Manhattan to host an exclusive breakfast meeting and industry discussion moderated by the undisputed gurus of fashion: Gartner L2.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

Recommended Read #5: The End of Privacy?

Recommended Read #5: The End of Privacy?

Now that the EU’s new digital privacy laws have launched and with the ongoing scandal at Facebook over the Cambridge Analytica revelations, it seems like a great time to get up to speed on the latest news in the world of digital privacy and data protection.

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise