
Recommended Read #3: Going Headless

Doug Heise, VP Marketing

Doug Heise

It's time for another edition of our ongoing series of recommended reads.

Although we love to share our own ideas on the CoreMedia blog, we'd also like this to be a place to post the thoughts and opinions of other industry leaders - including our partners, customers, and analysts. So, in addition to the guest posts that appear here from time to time, we also like to share links to articles on critical topics in the CMS and DX space. And today's topic is: the headless management of content and commerce.

The ability to separate content from layout – the so-called headless CMS – has become essential as omnichannel delivery options proliferate. Content providers are no longer required to render every end-user experience, since this can now be left to an individual user agent to delivers the best possible experience for each channel.

This allows content providers to focus on creating better user experiences. But CoreMedia believes headless delivery on its own is insufficient. Innovative front-ends favor a headless back-end, but brands often lack sufficient tools to provide a consistent experience across all touchpoints. For marketers, headless architectures are often extremely cumbersome.

But don't take our word for it. There are plenty of people debating the pros and cons of the headless approach. One is mobile developer Jon Scott-Sheldon who's written a blog post on this hot topic.

Read it here: What Every Developer Needs to Consider About Headless CMS