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Total Commerce Experience

Why Total Experience (TX) is the pathway for Commerce

The days when business success was solely about numbers and statistics are long gone. Today, it’s about creating experiences that delight not only customers but everyone, including users, partners, and employees. The ever-evolving digital landscape has given rise to the concept of Total Experience (TX), which is revolutionizing how brands interact with these groups of stakeholders. In this article, we explore this concept and why it's more than just a trendy buzzword.

Mariana Gaspar

Mariana Gaspar

AB Testing 1

Getting Started with A/B Split Testing

or an expert in Marketing, the term “A/B testing” or "split testing" goes hand-in-hand with “Optimization”, “Improving landing page KPIs” and “Increasing conversion rates”. This term is used so often and means so many things to so many people that it’s hard to find a beginner’s view on the topic. My esteemed colleague Sigrid already talked about split testing and how easy it is to start these experiments with CoreMedia Content Cloud in her well-read blog post “Stop Watching the Crystal Ball”.

IPad Hand

Why Your Brand Needs Best-of-Breed Marketing Tech

The first post in this three part series focused on the origin of CoreMedia Content Cloud and the ways it empowers brands to orchestrate iconic experiences at scale. In this second post, I want to dive deeper into the technology behind it.

Sören Stamer, CEO

Sören Stamer

Why Your Brand Deserves the Best, and Then Some

Why Your Brand Deserves the Best, and Then Some

Today, a brand’s value is more than just an image or reputation, it’s a sum of experiences and interactions that happen each and every second all around the globe. And for many companies, their brand is already their most valuable asset.

Sören Stamer, CEO

Sören Stamer

The Next New Normal

The Next New Normal

Over the past year, the world threw us a curveball. What we once saw as normal shifted drastically, from social distancing to more and more employers allowing their staff to work from home. When the pandemic first hit last year, we went into a state of shock that resulted in the world basically shutting down. No cars in the streets, everybody was mandated to stay home, and there was talk about sending the National Guard to certain cities.


Rita Das

How Luxury Brands Can Connect with Their Next Generation of Shoppers

How Luxury Brands Can Connect with Their Next Generation of Shoppers

While luxury sales are increasing at an annual rate of 8.5%, sustaining this growth will depend on attracting and retaining a new generation of customers. Here we examine why younger generations are key to the future of luxury brands and what techniques will grab – and keep – their attention.

Mimi pic

Mimi Moore

TV Old

Static is the New Dynamic

Remember when web servers were essentially a metal box with a fixed IP? When web content management meant copy-pasting indecipherable bits of text from the HTML tab in Microsoft Frontpage? And when Amazon’s homepage looked like this in your browser?

Stop Watching the Crystal Ball

Stop Watching the Crystal Ball

Marketers, listen up. Our goal is to achieve the highest possible conversion rates on our website, right? So we know a good user experience is crucial. We also know that relevant content improves the user experience, and that by better appealing to our target audience we can increase conversions.

Sigrid Werner

Sigrid Werner

Key Insights from Google's 2019 CMS Summit

Key Insights from Google's 2019 CMS Summit

Recently I got the chance to attend Google’s excellent CMS Leadership Summit in Sunnyvale, California — two days of good information and great conversations that yielded many insights.

Kartsten Reuter, SVP Product Management

Karsten Reuter

Atomic Design

Web Typography and Atomic Design

Any serious Sketch project will have you thinking about typography rather soon. For a fantastic introduction into web typography I wholeheartedly recommend Metej Latin’s email course Better Web Type. I also recommend the official blog post on the matter: Typesetting in Sketch. For serious design projects you will also have felt the need for an Atomic Design approach as well.

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Johannes Nanninga