
Our Writers

Tobias Stadelmaier, VP Engineering
Tobias Stadelmaier
VP Engineering

As VP Engineering, Tobias Stadelmaier leads CoreMedia’s engineering department, helping our highly motivated team of experts to develop great CoreMedia products. Responding swiftly to customer requirements and adapting nimbly to changes in the market, Tobias and his team are proud of their record of delivering customer-ready innovations.

TV Old

Static is the New Dynamic

Remember when web servers were essentially a metal box with a fixed IP? When web content management meant copy-pasting indecipherable bits of text from the HTML tab in Microsoft Frontpage? And when Amazon’s homepage looked like this in your browser?

Syncing Content with Content Hub

Syncing Content with Content Hub

Did you make it to CoreMedia's Developer Conference this year? If you didn't, well, you definitely missed out. If you did, you might remember our little competition for our Labs platform: We asked the community for ideas for useful and cool features they'd like to see in Labs, and promised that the best idea would actually get implemented.