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5 Recommendations for CoreMedia Studio Add-Ons

Are you looking for an integration with an external Digital Asset Manager, a connector to a 3rd-party SEO optimization service, or simply for an extension of the out-of-the-box CoreMedia Content Cloud functionality? Or would you like to explore what’s possible? The CoreMedia Marketplace is the right place to look for you!

Uli Heidler_retu_sRGB

Ulrike Heidler

Composable Commerce (1)

Composable commerce: What it is and why it matters

Composable commerce is an oft-used term that has gained significant traction in the e-commerce industry in recent years. It is seen as the next evolution of the traditional monolithic e-commerce platform model, which has dominated the industry for over a decade. The term "composable commerce" refers to a new approach that enables businesses to leverage a flexible set of services, applications, and microservices that can be easily combined, configured, and reconfigured as needed to meet their specific business requirements.

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz