
CoreMedia Blog

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Personalization and trust: How to succeed in a cookieless world

Businesses are navigating the cookieless era, addressing reduced tracking and privacy concerns. Discover how zero and first-party data strategies can unlock new possibilities, personalized experiences and trust-building. Adapt, stand out and thrive in the new landscape with CoreMedia's solutions. 

Mariana Gaspar

Mariana Gaspar

Illustration of comic characters pointing at mockups of browsing windows

Why security and stability are paramount: Navigating the digital landscape with a robust CMS

Agility is a great benchmark in digital marketing, but a robust Content Management System (CMS) isn’t just about rapid flexibility — it's also about fortifying security and stability. CoreMedia occupies a unique space in this sphere, not just for its rapid content deployment but for a commitment to a secure and stable content management approach that’s essential for global brands. With great partners like Arvato Systems, Babiel, Bitgrip, Telekom MMS, Init, and Creatision, CoreMedia continues to demonstrate its ability to deliver the most secure and stable content solutions that drive agile growth.

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz

AI and personalization

AI-Powered Personalization: 4 tactics to drive conversions

Consumer preferences are constantly evolving, leaving businesses uncertain about how to engage with their audience. Some brands are now embracing AI-powered personalization tools as an innovative way to connect with customers and deliver the best experience. These tools aren’t just a trend, they play a pivotal role in enhancing engagement, loyalty, and, ultimately, driving sales. However, the impact of personalization does not come as a surprise, as its ability to drive better performance has been well-documented. According to McKinsey & Company, companies that grow faster drive 40% more of their revenue from personalization compared to their slower-growing counterparts.

Mariana Gaspar

Mariana Gaspar

Cartoon woman typing on computer with multiple chat bubbles symbolizing 2024 trends

Trends to watch in 2024: Redefining customer experience via AI-powered strategy

As the calendar strikes 2024, it marks not just a new year but a fresh chapter in the realm of customer experiences. This year marks more than a milestone; it's a pivotal juncture where the convergence of technology and human-centered approaches reshapes the very essence of how businesses engage with their audiences. As we look ahead to this new year, the canvas for retail and marketing is already undergoing a vibrant transformation, guided by five pivotal trends to watch out for — all likely to redefine and elevate the customer journey.

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz

AI Thermometer

The age of the copilot(s): The power of generative AI in marketing

Welcome back to our quarterly series, CoreMedia’s AI Thermometer, where we dive into the cutting-edge world of generative AI. The state of generative AI stands at the forefront of transformative innovation. Today, we are ushering in "the age of copilots," a seismic shift witnessed in real-time, where AI collaborates hand-in-hand with human ingenuity, fundamentally altering industries and reshaping marketing strategies.

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz

Total Commerce Experience

Why Total Experience (TX) is the pathway for Commerce

The days when business success was solely about numbers and statistics are long gone. Today, it’s about creating experiences that delight not only customers but everyone, including users, partners, and employees. The ever-evolving digital landscape has given rise to the concept of Total Experience (TX), which is revolutionizing how brands interact with these groups of stakeholders. In this article, we explore this concept and why it's more than just a trendy buzzword.

Mariana Gaspar

Mariana Gaspar

5 More Tips and Tricks

5 More Tips and Tricks for CoreMedia Studio Users

Many readers enjoyed our previous post, “5 More Tips and Tricks for CoreMedia Studio Users”. Here are five additional tips, tricks, and shortcuts!

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The power of flexibility: why your enterprise needs a flexible CMS

With consumers' preferences shifting like the wind and new technologies emerging by the minute, large enterprise businesses find themselves in a perpetual battle to stay relevant and connect with their audience effectively. In this high-stakes game, the flexibility of your Content Management System (CMS) emerges as the critical tool that can make or break a brand's online presence. Today, we delve into why flexibility is the linchpin for large enterprise businesses aiming to establish a strong digital foothold. 

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz

20 years Government Site Builder

Celebrating 20 years of excellence with the Government Site Builder

With immense pride and gratitude, we commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Government Site Builder (GSB) project. On September 30, 2003, our partner, Materna, unveiled the inaugural GSB version, built upon CoreMedia’s robust content management system (CMS). This milestone provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the remarkable journey that has profoundly shaped the landscape of digital government services.

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Simplifying scalability: CoreMedia's CMS excellence

In digital marketing, agility and responsiveness reign supreme. The role of a scalable content management system (CMS), one that meets your needs as a global brand, is critical. CoreMedia has found a unique place in this field, by getting content to market faster than ever, using an advanced approach to content management that's both adaptable and scalable. Supported by renowned partners like Arvato Systems, Babiel, Bitgrip, Telekom MMS, Init, and Creatision, CoreMedia continues to demonstrate its ability to deliver scalable content solutions that set the bar high. 

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz

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Explore and learn with our resources
Smart Content Management Dynamic Content
Smart content management

Surprise and delight customers with iconic content everywhere, all the time.

  • Preview in-context before publishing
  • Unlock the power of your teams with workflow and scheduling
  • Keep it compliant with built-in DAM
Personalized Experiences
Personalized experiences

Nurture customers with personalized experiences at every opportunity.

  • Omnichannel customer targeting
  • Link customer data platforms to leverage audience insight
  • Integrate artificial intelligence driven hyper-personalization
Real-time Conversations Omnichannel
Real-time conversations

Convert visitors into buyers with conversational experiences, contextual content and a human touch.

  • Guide customers through their buying journey using video shopping, chatbot, live chat and more 
  • Manage all calls and gain insights into interactions from web to contact center
  • Prioritize contacts and let high-value users talk to real people, to maximize ROI
Inspirational Commerce Guided Selling
Inspirational commerce

Grow your business by connecting the buying journey and converting sales.

  • Built-in connectors for Salesforce, SAP, HCL, Elastic Path, Spryker and more
  • Integrate live product feeds at a global scale
  • Turn rich media into one click shoppable content 