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Is your brand advertising (the right way) on your main website? Why not?

As a consumer, I have become increasingly disillusioned with the entire concept of advertising. I've reached a point where I avoid using services if I can't circumvent receiving ads without enormous expense. It's a fascinating phenomenon because it wasn't that long ago that I loved ads. We all used to love ads, right? A small part of me yearns for that time of my youth, before the curtain had been lifted, where I saw commercials as another art form or creative expression. Now, I avoid them like the plague. Install the latest Adblock+ or uBlock Origin extension. How did it come to this?

chris reed

Chris Reed

Mastering the digital chessboard

Mastering the digital chessboard: Combining data, content, and omnichannel engagement for the best customer experience

Imagine digital marketing as a game of chess. Each piece on the board plays a crucial role in providing the best experience for your customers. Elements like content, data and omnichannel engagement — when strategically aligned — create a winning game plan that drives business success. In this article, we’ll explore how mastering the digital chessboard involves a seamless integration of compelling content, actionable data, and seamless omnichannel engagement.

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Overcoming today’s digital commerce challenges: 5 pillars for success

Digital commerce is in the middle of a significant transformation. Buying journeys are shifting, with consumers demanding a smooth experience across channels and expecting personalized interactions. All while requesting high-quality and quick support. For businesses, this is a challenge to handle, and it involves managing multiple touchpoints and delivering exceptional human support, without sacrificing efficiency.

Mariana Gaspar

Mariana Gaspar

Article_CoreMedia Experience Platform

Introducing the enhanced CoreMedia Experience Platform: A new era begins

Meet the enhanced CoreMedia Experience Platform, where our Content Cloud capabilities expand to seamlessly incorporate a robust suite of Engagement Cloud solutions. We’ve added real-time personalization, optimization, contact center and many more capabilities to our platform, offering more ways to engage with your customers than any other DXP.

white female barbara eigner

Barbara Eigner

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Personalization and trust: How to succeed in a cookieless world

Businesses are navigating the cookieless era, addressing reduced tracking and privacy concerns. Discover how zero and first-party data strategies can unlock new possibilities, personalized experiences and trust-building. Adapt, stand out and thrive in the new landscape with CoreMedia's solutions. 

Mariana Gaspar

Mariana Gaspar

AI and personalization

AI-Powered Personalization: 4 tactics to drive conversions

Consumer preferences are constantly evolving, leaving businesses uncertain about how to engage with their audience. Some brands are now embracing AI-powered personalization tools as an innovative way to connect with customers and deliver the best experience. These tools aren’t just a trend, they play a pivotal role in enhancing engagement, loyalty, and, ultimately, driving sales. However, the impact of personalization does not come as a surprise, as its ability to drive better performance has been well-documented. According to McKinsey & Company, companies that grow faster drive 40% more of their revenue from personalization compared to their slower-growing counterparts.

Mariana Gaspar

Mariana Gaspar

Cartoon woman typing on computer with multiple chat bubbles symbolizing 2024 trends

Trends to watch in 2024: Redefining customer experience via AI-powered strategy

As the calendar strikes 2024, it marks not just a new year but a fresh chapter in the realm of customer experiences. This year marks more than a milestone; it's a pivotal juncture where the convergence of technology and human-centered approaches reshapes the very essence of how businesses engage with their audiences. As we look ahead to this new year, the canvas for retail and marketing is already undergoing a vibrant transformation, guided by five pivotal trends to watch out for — all likely to redefine and elevate the customer journey.

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz

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The power of flexibility: why your enterprise needs a flexible CMS

With consumers' preferences shifting like the wind and new technologies emerging by the minute, large enterprise businesses find themselves in a perpetual battle to stay relevant and connect with their audience effectively. In this high-stakes game, the flexibility of your Content Management System (CMS) emerges as the critical tool that can make or break a brand's online presence. Today, we delve into why flexibility is the linchpin for large enterprise businesses aiming to establish a strong digital foothold. 

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz

Made Easy with Content Cloud - Personalization

Made Easy with Content Cloud – Personalization

Personalizing your ecommerce site is super easy with CoreMedia Content Cloud. Watch this short video to learn how leverage customer segments from your ecommerce suite to personalize content in your store. Orchestrate and preview customer segment specific experiences using CoreMedia Studio.