
Our Writers

Don Hoffman
Don Hoffman
Content Manager

Don Hoffman worked for CoreMedia as chief wordsmith, brand storyteller, voice-over talent, and overall content guru. A native of New Orleans and graduate of Amherst College, he has more than 20 years of experience shaping mar-com strategy for global publishers, eCommerce businesses, advertising agencies and enterprise software companies. He is lives in the Bay Area and is a passionate songwriter and opera singer.

The Business of Hype

The Business of Hype: How to Master the Drop

The drop.

It’s the hottest trend in digital marketing. And it encapsulates everything brands today want: "cool kid" street cred, tech savvy, word-of-mouth, exclusive customer experiences, social media buzz (fueled by celebrities), and, most importantly, merchandise flying off the shelves.

Don Hoffman

Don Hoffman

Seven Ways A.I. Will Impact Retail

Seven Ways A.I. Will Impact Retail

Is the beginning of widespread Artificial Intelligence (AI) finally here? Seemingly every day brings some big announcement, from breakthrough findings in ALS research generated by AI data mining to AI-powered phone calls that sound convincingly human (Google’s Duplex).

Don Hoffman

Don Hoffman

Recommended Read #10: Experiential In-Store Experiences

Recommended Read #10: Experiential In-Store Experiences

Here at CoreMedia we talk a lot about how brands can deliver great online experiences. But part of our bigger vision is enabling retailers to deliver great in-store experiences as well. And this is a very hot topic right now, as retailers rush to provide their customers – particularly millennials – with not just products to purchase but also experiences to savor (and share).

Don Hoffman

Don Hoffman

NRF Slam Dunk: Our Winning Formula

NRF Slam Dunk: Our Winning Formula

Last month we attended the annual retail supershow known as NRF. (Officially it’s the “National Retail Federation’s Big Show” but everyone just uses the acronym.) Held in Manhattan, it is indeed big – with more than 600 exhibitors vying for the attention of some 35,000 attendees.It’s tough to stand out, particularly if you’re not a top sponsor or aren’t dropping big bucks on a huge booth.

Don Hoffman

Don Hoffman

Recommended Read Picture

Recommended Read #7: The Future of Online Fashion

Though initially slow to embrace eCommerce, luxury retailers are catching up fast. In fact, some of the most exciting innovation has been happening in this sector recently, as major fashion brands seek to create immersive customer experiences that amplify and enhance traditional in-store transactions.

Don Hoffman

Don Hoffman