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Why sustainable software matters more than you realize-6

How to sustainably optimize your company's tech stack

With so many companies looking to reduce their environmental impact through sustainable practices, it is important to understand how to optimize your company’s tech stack for sustainability. In this blog post, we will discuss the best ways to ensure that your company’s tech stack is as sustainable as possible, from making more efficient use of existing technologies and resources to using green and renewable energy sources.

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Sera Filiz

Maximize Sustainability Goals

How to maximize your sustainability goals in 2023

2022 has been quite a volatile year, especially from a sustainability perspective. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and subsequent Western sanctions, put new pressures on already strained oil and gas supplies, with major world economies scrambling to respond. Rapidly rising energy prices, amongst various other pressures on the grid, have showed us just how desperately we need more affordable and sustainable sources of energy.

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz

Why sustainable software matters more than you realize

Why sustainable software matters more than you realize

There’s no doubt about it – “sustainability” is the topic on everyone’s minds right now. It’s hard to define, but it’s also more than just a buzzword. Sustainability generally speaks to the idea that goods and services should be manufactured and utilized in ways that do not use irreplaceable natural resources and avoid causing damage to the environment.

It’s undeniable that sustainability is important. In fact, 90% of executives believe exactly this. The implementation of sustainable strategies, however, is still a challenge. Only 60% of organizations have an articulated strategy in place.

Profile picture of Sera

Sera Filiz