
Our Writers

Christof Kubosch
Chris Kubosch
Senior Product Marketing Manager Global

Chris Kubosch works as a Senior Product Marketing Manager Global at CoreMedia in Hamburg.

Mastering Mobile Commerce

Mastering Mobile Commerce

As eCommerce moves from desktop to smartphone, retailers are struggling to make the transition. Consumers today now expect an engaging shopping...
Christof Kubosch

Chris Kubosch

Managing Rich Media

Managing Rich Media

Product images, videos, and interactive media experiences are essential elements in eCommerce to drive sales, but many companies suffer from poor...
Christof Kubosch

Chris Kubosch

Handling Integrations Over Time

Handling Integrations Over Time

Managing the integrations between content management systems and commerce platforms is daunting. Many integrations are custom builds, meaning...
Christof Kubosch

Chris Kubosch

Incorporating Existing Tools

Incorporating Existing Tools

To address market demand and improve the customer experience, retailers must constantly add new functionality to their stores. But rebuilding a...
Christof Kubosch

Chris Kubosch

Beating the Odds: Our Week at IBM Think

Beating the Odds: Our Week at IBM Think

For CoreMedia, March means Vegas. Specifically the two major trade shows that take place there: Shoptalk and IBM Think. For our impressions of...
Christof Kubosch

Chris Kubosch