
Why Reliability Counts

In an unprecedented development… That's how so many news stories start these days, with every one a reminder of just how fast change can come — and how dramatically. And so many assumptions about the world previously considered safe or essential no longer hold true.

It's been interesting to see how people are reacting to this global crisis. On the one hand, there's been a high willingness to change things very quickly to adapt to the new circumstances. This makes sense because successful organizations know that agility is critical.

But there's another trend at least as important: a return to things that provide security and guarantee consistency. On a personal level, people have been returning to comfort foods and spending their time baking. And on a business level, executives are seeking a level of reliability and stability that is far outranking things like price or features.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it

At CoreMedia, we're justifiably proud of our 98% customer retention rate. In the highly competitive landscape of DXP turnkey solutions with short contract terms, this is remarkable as it speaks to the extraordinary stability and quality of the platform.

I recently learned one of our partners is supporting a client (the German Federal Employment Agency) running on CoreMedia since 2007. Although the agency's website migrated to a new technology years ago, critical statistical data is still being delivered by a CoreMedia system.

The agency's IT department has been so impressed with CoreMedia's stability over the years they've opted to keep it in place, even as the primary website around it was upgraded. Even now, as the agency plans a complete overhaul of the client's platform, they will stick with CoreMedia.

Stability in turbulent Times

There are many more stories just like this. Since 2005, CoreMedia has provided the technical foundation of Germany's so-called Government Site Builder (GSB). More than 160 internet and intranet sites of Germany's federal government have been built using GSB.

One of these sites is the Robert Koch Institute (RKI.de). Six months ago, seemingly no one had heard of the RKI (not even some of my CoreMedia colleagues). Today, the RKI website is the single most crucial official source of information on Covid-19 in Germany and has experienced an unprecedented rush of users to the website.

But no issues, not even a second of downtime. The site has remained accessible around the clock since the beginning of the pandemic. When it comes to critical information, reliability is vital.

Powering official Information

Just like RKI, the German federal government site also uses CoreMedia for its digital presence. Official news from the Information and Press Office, the Chancellor's website, and the new coronavirus information pages are all powered by CoreMedia.

As well, the German Federal Foreign Office – whose websites publish travel bulletins for countries around the world – has also using CoreMedia for the past 10 years. They relied heavily on CoreMedia's stability during the complicated repatriation efforts during March and April.

UNICEF relies on Donations (+ CoreMedia)

We're incredibly proud that Unicef Germany has been our customer for many years. Shortly after we launched their project, I had a conversation with Christian Schneider, Managing Director of Unicef Germany, who said to me, "I'd really like to thank you." But for what?

He told me Unicef had experienced unexpected peak loads on their new CoreMedia system in early 2015. The reason: Hurricane Joaquin, a Category 4 monster, had devastated the Caribbean, and donations were pouring into Unicef via their website. Pageviews were measured at 200x higher than average, a traffic load that had collapsed their old system.

But CoreMedia was solid. Unicef was able to receive and process every Euro donated. Mr. Schneider told me how appreciative he and his organization were that while conducting the unpredictable business of disaster, they could rely on critical systems remaining 100% operational.

A solid Foundation for Success

So why is CoreMedia such a stable platform for delivering information? Ultimately, it's about having a rock-solid underlying architecture. This is a fundamental principle of every software company proud to say "Made in Germany."

My colleagues in software development, software testing, and product management are known for their exacting standards, and this is definitely reflected in the quality of the software, its reliability, and its stability. And as the complexity of business challenges increases, it's something our partners and customers rely on.


"Appearances can be deceiving" goes the saying. Just like a couple in love, it's only later that they get to know the real strengths and weaknesses of their partner. People who have been married for a long time say that trust and reliability are the keys to a long and happy relationship.

It's the same with the purchase of a content management system (CMS). In the beginning, it's often the features, interfaces, and integrated functions – as well as the price – that capture attention. But since this is a system designed to last for many years, this decision has far-reaching implications. Because in the end, there's only one thing that really matters.

Just like in marriage, it's reliability that counts.