
What is Customer Journey Orchestration?

Woman working and writing on the glass board

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What is a Headless CMS?

Originally, “Traditional” CMS were built for websites, this was in the days where you only had one medium to view web content, usually a large tower hard drive by your feet and a monitor as deep as it was wide was involved too!

However, in the past 18 years we have been through (and are still going through) the mobile revolution, which has meant we are able to consume content through mobile applications.

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Young woman juggling with apple and orange

The difference between a CMS and DXP

Expectations for digital experiences only continue to grow. We have gone from Content Management Systems (CMS) to Web Experience Management (WEM), and now to Digital Experience Platforms (DXP). A lot of people hear these different acronyms and are unsure of the differences, but it is critical to understand what each does before you start to consider a new content system.

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Content Marketing World 2023

September 27th-28th 2023, Washington DC 

Booth 1617

CoreMedia is proud to sponsor the 13th Edition of Content Marketing World by Content Marketing Institute, a leading industry event for marketing leaders, content creators, communications experts, agencies, and creative professionals from around the world. Learn how CoreMedia can support your tech innovation by attending our speech on Sep 27th at 1:05 PM.