

The primary color palette features the most prominent colors used to represent the brand. These are the colors that are used to make up the logo and gradient background.

The secondary color palette is used to support and enrich the brand where necessary.

Primary color palette
Red color swatch


HEX: #DD342B
RGB: 221, 52, 43
CMYK: 9,94, 96, 1


Magenta color swatch


HEX: #D82EB4
RGB: 216, 46, 180
CMYK: 23, 87, 0, 0


Dark grey color swatch

Dark grey

HEX: #363936
RGB: 54, 57, 54
CMYK: 69, 60, 63, 54


Secondary color palette
Purple color swatch


HEX: #672779
RGB: 103, 39, 121
CMYK: 73, 100, 17, 5


Blue color swatch


HEX: #006CAE
RGB: 0, 108, 174
CMYK: 90, 55, 7, 0


Monte Carlo color swatch

Monte Carlo

HEX: #6FC3B8
RGB: 111, 195, 184
CMYK: 56, 4, 33, 0


Green color swatch


HEX: #2FAC66
RGB: 47, 172, 102
CMYK: 77, 7, 80, 0


Yellow color swatch


RGB: 239, 223, 15
CMYK: 10, 5, 100, 0


Light grey color swatch

Light grey

HEX: #F4F4F4
RGB: 244, 244, 244
CMYK: 4, 3, 3, 0


Black color swatch


HEX: #000000
RGB: 0, 0, 0
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100


White color swatch


RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0



Gradients are primarily used to create high impact as backgrounds for content.

Gradients are always to be used linear at -45° (not radial).

Primary gradients
Red to magenta gradient color swatch

Red to Magenta

(primary background)

HEX: #DD342B to #D82EB4 -45˚


Purple to blue color swatch

Purple to Blue

(good for white text)

HEX: #672779 to #006CAE -45˚


Magenta to purple color swatch

Magenta to Purple

(good for white text)

HEX:#D82EB4 to #672779 -45˚


Other gradient variations
Monte Carlo to Purple swatch

Monte Carlo to Purple

HEX: #6FC3B8 to #672779 -45˚


Blue to Green color swatch

Blue to Green

HEX: #006CAE to #2FAC66 -45˚

Yellow to Red swatch

Yellow to Red

HEX: #EFDF0F to #DD342B -45˚